Why would you want to boost your box jump results? Because a box jump is a plyometric movement that provides many benefits. It helps you build more lower body strength. It increases explosive power and speed and improves the vertical jump. Do enough repetitions and box jumping also becomes an effective part of a calorie-burning cardio workout routine.
What can you do to ensure that you are getting the best results from plyometric jump box? Here are five strategies to consider.
#1. Select the Right Box Height and Start Tracking Progress
You can get a plyometric box (plyo box) in varying heights. Some common plyometric box heights are 20, 24, and 30 inches. Shorter options range from 6 to 12 to 18 inches.
Selecting the right box height for your workout involves considering a few key factors. One is age. In younger athletes, a shorter box may be preferred. This gives them the ability to perfect their form before transitioning to a taller box. It also reduces the stress on their growing muscles and joints.
A shorter box height may also be the best choice for ones with poor reactive ability. If you don’t have fast reaction times, you might find it challenging to perform a box jump with a higher box. Worse yet, you could be injured by trying.
The height you choose can also impact the benefits from this plyometric exercise. A low box jump helps boost the power or explosiveness in the lower body. A high box jump contributes more to improvements in speed and reactivity.
If you are working on your box jump to improve vertical jump height, be sure you start tracking your progress. A change in results lets you know if you’re on the right track or if you have to switch up the training program.
#2. Use Proper Form for Your Box Jump
Obtaining stellar box jump results requires that you use good form. This ensures that the correct muscle is targeted, contributing to explosive strength. It also reduces the risk of injury by taking off or landing wrong.
When doing a standard box jump, also known as a standing box jump, proper form begins by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Push off with your feet to jump up and onto the box. Use your arms to assist, swinging them to create a more explosive movement.
If you drop into a squat position before doing a box jump, this is known as a tuck jump. This is because you tuck your body before jumping. A tuck jump helps develop coordination by adding both knee and hip flexion.
While jumping up, aim to land in the middle of the plyo box. This prevents landing on the edge, which can result in twisting the ankle or falling backward. Also, keep your back straight when landing versus landing in a squat position. This creates a more explosive jump.
#3. Engage in Strength Training to Further Improve Your Box Jump
Another effective strategy to improve vertical jump height and power is to build the muscles used in this exercise. The stronger they are, the more explosiveness they’ll deliver. Which resistance training movements offer this effect?
- Single-leg squat. This exercise is particularly helpful if one leg is stronger than the other. It allows you to build the weaker leg so it can support its portion of the load during plyometric training.
- Squat jump. Boost your jump training regimen by adding a jump to your squat. This exercise is also plyometric, so it can help improve your vertical jump. Add weights to build more mass.
- Deadlift. The deadlift builds strength in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. These are the same muscle groups used in a box jump, making this exercise a must.
- Hip thrusts. Speaking of glutes, another way to increase their strength is with a hip thrust. Adding weight can make this move even more effective.
- Kettlebell swing. This exercise is most often associated with improving upper body strength. But it also works your hips and glutes, which enhances your jumping ability.
- Plank. Adding a plank to your strength training workout helps increase strength and boost balance and stability. The latter two effects help support good form during a box jump.
#4. Improve Results with These Box Jump Variations
The body is incredibly efficient. Perform the same exercise repeatedly, and it becomes harder to achieve gains. If you’ve been tracking your results, it will be easy to see when their progress slows. That’s why you should vary your box jump workouts from time to time. One way to do this is with a different box jump variation, such as:
- Seated box jump, which involves sitting on a box (or bench) and jumping onto another
- Lateral box jump, or standing to one side of the box and jumping laterally
- Broad jump, or starting further away from the box, forcing a longer jump forward
- Depth jump, performed by jumping off one box and then immediately jumping on another, both of which are at the same jump height
- Rebounding box jumps, which add some cardio to the workout because they require that you repeatedly jump on and off the box in quick succession
These box jump variations are a great way to change up your routine. Some require more strength and stamina to complete, so they should be reserved for ones with a higher fitness level. The broad jump and rebounding box jumps are two that fall into this category.
A lateral box jump uses lower body muscles a little differently since you’re jumping from the side. It also requires a different level of coordination than when facing the jump head-on and doing a vertical leap. Keep this in mind when adding this box jump to your workout regimen.
#5. Avoid These Common Box Jump Injuries
Even though a box jump can help increase strength and boost explosiveness, it can also be hard on the body. Avoiding injury when performing this plyometric move is critical to helping your clients reach their fitness goals.
At a minimum, an improper jump means missing the box and skinning your shins. Trying to jump on a too-high box can create the same issue. That’s why selecting the correct box height is so important. It can prevent both situations.
Missing the box can also lead to a fracture of the tibia or fibula if hit hard enough. This is a common box jump injury. So too, is a stress fracture. This can occur with too many box jump repetitions, not giving the lower leg time to adequately heal.
Another concern is an Achilles tendon injury. This tendon runs from the calf to the heel. If the jump or landing creates too much pressure, the Achilles can strain or tear. The result is pain and an inability to extend the foot downward. If severe enough, you may have to take time off from training. This can be frustrating as you strive to achieve your fitness goals.
Creating a safe and effective plyometric workout involves beginning slowly. Focus on form and aim for minimal repetitions until you get used to the box jump movement. Once you master this exercise, increase the reps or incorporate a few variations to progress.
Also, pay attention to whether you have any movement dysfunctions that could make the box jump unsafe. Maybe the structure of the knees won’t allow for a safe landing, or you lack the ankle function to support more intense pressure and tension.
Note: The above post is a repost of an article published by ISSA with the intention to circulate knowledge on the relevant subject